- Detalii
- Publicat: 19 Octombrie 2023 19 Octombrie 2023
- Ultima actualizare: 19 Octombrie 2023 19 Octombrie 2023
Animal nutrition and Agronomy; Genetics; Plant biology; Chemistry; Cell biology; Scientific information, techniques and documentation methods; Rural Economy; Physics;
Animal and Environmental Hygiene; History of Veterinary Medicine; Physiology;
Epidemiology; Ethology Animal Welfare and Protection; Morphopathology; Semiology and medical imaging; Cytopathology;
Toxocolog; Reproduction; Dietary nutrition; Reproduction, reproductive disorders and clinical lectures on species;
Hygiene, Quality and Food Technology Ethics and academic integrity; One Health; Pharmacy; Radiology
Veterinary legislation; Inspection and control of the food prod of animal origin; Autocontrol audit and inspection of slaughter and processing units;